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Frank Bold, a public interest law organisation with offices across Europe, is hosting a summit to focus on corporate governance and sustainability. Preventable Surprises CEO Raj Thamotheram will be among a panel of speakers from a wide range of disciplines to speak at the event, which will be held in Brussels on 28 September. Registration information below.

The summit will examine best practice and policy for sustainable corporate governance, based on the emerging consensus that companies should focus on creating long-term value while contributing to societal and environmental sustainability. The event will bring together leading thinkers, businesses, policymakers and civil society to chart the way to the next generation of corporations.

Panel Topics:

  • Defining the purpose of the corporation
  • Reinforcing the role of the board
  • Clarifying fiduciary duties
  • Revising executive pay
  • Strengthening stakeholder voice
  • Improving corporate reporting
  • Incentivising long-term shareholding

Keynote speakers include:

  • Raj Thamotheram, CEO, Preventable Surprises
  • Věra Jourová, Commissioner, Directorate General Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality
  • Susanne Stormer, Vice President, Novo Nordisk, Leading economist
  • John Kay, FT columnist, author of Obliquity and visiting professor at the London School of Economics
  • Paul Dickinson, Chair, Carbon Disclosure Project
  • Stefan Stern, Director of the High Pay Centre and visiting professor at Cass Business School
  • Jeroen Hooijer, Head of Unit, Company Law, European Commission
  • Matthias Schmidt, International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) Region Lead: Germany
  • Jean-Guillaume Peladan, Head of Environmental Investments and Research at Sycomore Asset Management
  • Will Martindale, Head of Policy at Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI)

The event will also feature the launch of the report from a two-year global roundtable series on corporate governance held by the Purpose of the Corporation Project (an initiative by Frank Bold) in 6 cities worldwide.

Registration is now open through the event website (places are limited). Please follow the link below for more information.

About the organiser

Frank Bold is a purpose driven law firm using the power of business and non-profit approaches to solve social and environmental problems. Together with the Modern Corporation, a project based at Cass Business School, it leads the Purpose of the Corporation Project, a strategic and open-source platform for leading thinkers and organisations interested in promoting the long-term health and sustainability of companies.

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